10 Ways to do Exercise without a Gym

10 Ways to do Exercise without a Gym

Check out this great article in the Sydney Morning Herald about the Fitness industry losing it’s way.  It also details plenty of good exercises you can do from home that wont break the budget and will build some strength, increase tone and lose fat.

Here’s a few more:

  1. Go for a 15 minute walk twice a day (or one 30 minute walk).
  2. Take the kids with you. Or your spouse.  Good 1-on-1 time too.
  3. Wash your car by hand (save money too).
  4. Mow your own lawn.  Give the kids a go if they’re old enough (a small break for you!)
  5. Take the stairs.  Park further away. Go the scenic route.
  6. DIY. Renovate, strip wallpaper, paint, tile, clean, mop.  It’s all more calories down the drain.
  7. Play with the kids. Wrestle your boys (daily), play soccer, cricket, tip, barbies (probably just girls), dolls, dancing, running (Josie (2) loves this right now).
  8. Use the Wii’s active games (or PS Move, XBOX Kinect) and get moving.  Try Wii Zumba Fitness Party. That’ll get you moving!
  9. Try adding some strength increasing moves.  Have a go at pushups, situps, dips, chin ups, squats and others.  Start easy, start small and work up.
  10.   Make small lifestyle choices.  Huge changes rarely work.  It’s normally a far better option to start eating better and exercising more gradually.  Try it.

Any other good non-gym exercises you know?

Why I love the Warrior movie so much

Why I love the Warrior movie so much


Warrior is a man’s movie around a MMA (mixed martial arts) global tournament.  I have to say it’s become my favourite movie for men and my fav movie of 2011 too.

Here’s why I love it so much.

Guys need movies like this.  Movies that deal with guy problems and promote attitudes that men should adopt.  Problems like alcoholism, isolation and estrangement.  Good qualities like fighting for your family, loving your kids and your wife, forgiveness and trust.

I love it because it’s pretty clean.  Very little course language, no sex, some alcohol abuse, no drugs.  Movies like that are hard to find these days… especially ones guys will actually watch.

I love it because it values family.  Families are the cornerstone of society.  Men can become fathers too easily but it takes a change of attitude, lifestyle and selfishness to become a dad.  Dads are really important.  Dads love their kids, spend time with them, discipline them in love and really care for them while providing them with a good role model.

In Warrior we see a dad (Paddy – Nolte) trying to bridge an impossible gap to his sons (Brendan and Tommy) after being absent and abusive as a father when they were younger.

We see Brendan (Joel Edgerton) playing a father who loves his 2 girls and desperately wants to keep his family home.  Tommy (played by Tom Hardy) pledges any winnings from the tournament to a family who lost their dad by his side in Afghanistan next to him in the war.

Fight for family’ and ‘Family is worth fighting for’ are two of the taglines the movie uses in promotions.  I love them!  It’s so true in our pluralistic, anything goes society where the family is under attack from so many sources we need messages like this, in blokey, tough, quality movies men will actually see.

How good is the fighting too?!  Such a good flick.  Watch it with some guys!

View the trailer here.

Defeating Discouragement

Defeating Discouragement

Last Sunday I preached this message which I think everyone needs to hear.  Discouragement is living without courage.  I think we settle in our spirits for a standard of life that lacks courage.  We’re so used to living with so little courage that it becomes the norm.

Here are 6 ways you can defeat discouragement in your life.

1. Remember God gave you a Spirit of faith

2 Timothy 1:7 says, ‘For God did not give you a spirit of timidity but of love, power and sound discipline.’  When you realise that God has given you His Spirit of faith, you can believe that things are going to work out for good. You can be bold and courageous and you ACT from that place.

2. Remember God is with you!

In Joshua 1:5-9 God tells Joshua not to be afraid but to be strong and courageous (3 times!) because He would be WITH HIM.  God is with you and promises never to leave you or forsake you when times get tough.  Press into Him and feel His presence around you.

3. God fights for you!

In Nehemiah 4:19-21 Nehemiah is rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and he tells the people not to worry because ‘God will fight for us!’.  When you’re discouraged don’t forget to pray. Pray puts God to work for you. Prayer releases the power of God’s hand to intervene in a situation and change the results.

4. You’re already victorious!

2 Corinthians 2:14 says that we are captives in Christ’s triumphal procession.  He leads us in victory wherever we go.  You work FROM a place of victory not TOWARDS it.

5. It’s worth fighting for

Marriage, family, ministry, kingdom, life… all worth the hard yards.  All worth getting back up after you have failed countless times.  2 Corinthians 4:16-18 says that our ‘light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory bigger than them all.’  Your present will soon be your past.  Don’t give up.

6. Remember what God has done

In Deuteronomy 4:9 Moses tells the people what to do.  To remember God’s goodness and not to let it slip from their hearts.  The people were disheartened.  Guard your heart because it’s the wellspring of your life (Proverbs 4:23).

Winston Churchill said, ‘Success is going from one failure to the next without loss of enthusiasm.’

Defeat discouragement in your life.  Don’t give up.  Let the presence of God put fresh faith in you today.

Download my sermon notes hereMp3 here. PowerPoint here.

It’s worth pushing through

It’s worth pushing through

Life, ministry, marriage, family, work…. it all gets hard sometimes.  We get frustrated, let down, we stuff up, we make mistakes, things dont work, we lack enthusiasm… sometimes it’s like life is against us.  Sometimes we get sick of pretending we’re excited about everything.  I get it.


It’s worth it.  Marriage is worth it.  Life is worth it.  Ministry, kingdom, church work is worth it!

It’s worth reinventing your marriage even though it takes effort, thought, reading, overcoming hurt, forgiving, trying new things and learning to love better.

It’s worth overcoming self doubt, self esteem problems, lack of purpose, lack of money, relationship issues, whatever!  Life is worth fighting for.  It’s your most precious commodity and you’re worth it.

It’s worth pressing in closer to God when ministry/connect group/church isn’t working out as planned.  Get a release in your spirit from God.  Allow HIM to teach you something new, lift your spirits, refresh your vision, adjust your attitudes.  There’s a purpose in this.  Go to God to find out what it is.

I’ve been in a funk today.  I’ve decided to get out of it.  It’s worth trying.  It’s worth pressing into God, asking for help, getting the Holy Spirit on you and rising above the funk you’re in.

Don’t be continually driven further into the ground because you think there’s no way out.  There is.  And it’s worth the effort.

Push thru!

James 1:2–4 – ‘Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,t whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.’

Lights out might be killing your marriage

Lights out might be killing your marriage

Guys are visual creatures right?  We don’t know why but that’s just how God made us.  Our wives just have to get changed in front of us and we’re in the mood for love.  Often it’s less than that.  We are visually stimulated.

Women are often self conscious about their bodies.  If they’ve had kids, chances are they’re in the majority of women who’s bodies didn’t bounce back to pre-child days.  Most women struggle to lose post-baby fat and it makes them even more self conscious!

So there’s a dilemma when making love.  Men like lighting (flood lighting if possible) and women often prefer pitch black can’t-see-your-hand-in-front-of-your-face darkness.

The problem I have with this dilemma isn’t just that I don’t get to see my wife’s gorgeous body when we’re making love, it’s that in the normal course of life I see more of OTHER women’s bodies than I do my wife’s!!

This is frustrating and creates a unhealthy, unsustainable sex life and could drive men to look elsewhere to satisfy their craving for visually stimulating sex.

THE SOLUTION?  Candles.  Candles enable the man to see and they bring light that flatters the woman enabling her to be less self conscious and more confident.  Candles (or your mobile phone torch – but candles are better) are a happy medium and create a win-win for both sides!

Try it out married couples!